5 Signs That Tell You You’re Going Somewhere
5 Signs You Are Going Places I bought a graduation card recently for my nephew who is graduating from University this month. The front of the card had an illustration of a tall stack of books and it read in big capital letters: “YOURE OUTTA HERE!!” I know the card meant “you’re outta…
Creatives in the business scene
Creative or ‘non-Creative’: which one are YOU? Yesterday I attended an 8 hour seminar for independent business people and came home with a lot of my opinions and judgements about “normal” business people totally 180-ed. Thanks to Bart van de Belt from The Success Academy, a baby-faced juggler and sleight-of-hand wizard who 10 years ago…
Here is why being stuck is scarier than change:

Here it is 2015 and I feel like I’m still recovering from 2013. In the spring of 2013 I was diagnosed with burnout. My crisis was an implosion of the epic kind. I felt stuck and hopeless. Useless, worn out, cynical, lifeless. Rampaging mental/physical/spiritual exhaustion. I was totally STUCK. I was paralyzed with fear. I…
Focus is fantastic: where can I buy it?

In the past 30 years tof being a creative professional, I have always had trouble with an answer to this question: “What are you doing?” People I knew, did not know, family members, it did not matter. I ALWAYS felt uncomfortable if I had to give an answer to this question. And yet this is…
ONE THING that drives all creatives CRAZY

Everytime I meet a creative person for the first time, when we start talking about the challenges we meet, this ONE THING always comes up. At first, I didn’t really pay much attention to it, thinking that I was weird, and so are most of my friends, to be fair. But this ONE THING kept…
Do you want to be your “old self” again?

Do you get up every morning feeling exhausted? Are you finding yourself feeling more and more cynical about the work you do or the life you have? Are you experiencing mysterious bodily aches and pains, and obsessing about any physical discomforts, however insignificant? Are you more volitile, ready to blow up, a virtual powder keg…